Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Well, today im talking about art. I think i really like art, when i was a child i used to paint a lot, and i think i was good at it, i went to a few contests, i didn't win, but i was selected among many children, but with the passing of time i stop painting and i forget a little bit about art. Then in my two last years in high school i went back to the art because i took the class Art 4, it means i had 4 hours of art a week, plus two more hours of art in common plan. In art 4 i had one of the best teachers i ever had, she really marked me, and now i think i carry art always with me, i love to apreciate it, art is everywhere. In present i still drawing a lot, but nothing serious. My notebooks are full of draws in everywhere.

 Also i really like music, and music is art, i almost cant walk in the streets without music. I like to read and even write sometimes, i think im very close with art, even when i dont realize that.

1 comment:

  1. I think that this quantity of art hours in school served to develop a value extra for the art.
