Tuesday, April 25, 2017


I think freedom it's a very complicated concept, and very relatively. Sometimes i even think that pure freedom doesn't exist. But in my opinion, you have to create your own concept of freedom. ¿What makes you feel free? In my case, i can feel a strong feeling of freedom when im traveling on my own, or with friends. When im far from home, and i dont have to cumplish with obligations or dutys, just where im going to sleep, or what im going to eat, but even in that case im not free, because i depend of the money, and we are all always under moral rules and stuffs like that, also we have the laws, but when you are in the middle of nowhere, you dont have to worry about law or stuff like that, and im not a criminal who haves problems with it neither.  Also i feel free sometimes when i play football, but this is other tipe of freedom, it's more like a liberating activity, but when im playing i can forget about all other stuffs in life, and just be in the field, and in that moment im free. I think that's all


  1. The freedom is very difficult to obtain in this society, the people are a really robot whitout freedon, dominated for the global market and this is the god today...

  2. the freedom is the perfectly state of the human !

  3. i agree the freedom is a complicated concept for everyone and you must search it even if you dont understand it
